Email deliverability: navigating Gmail & Yahoo’s 2024 requirements
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December 21, 2023
Email Marketing

Email deliverability: navigating Gmail & Yahoo’s 2024 requirements

Gmail and Yahoo announced new requirements for companies that deliver emails to their users. This blog summarizes the changes, why they are happening, and how you can best prepare.

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Ben Jones
Ben Jones
Snr. Manager, Marketing
Audience Republic
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On October 3, 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced new requirements for companies that deliver emails to their users. Each platform is turning what was once considered best practices for bulk email sending into mandatory requirements. 

Senders who aren’t in compliance with the new requirements risk having major email deliverability issues from early 2024. This guide summarizes the changes, why they are happening, and how you can best prepare for them. 

What are the changes and why have they been proposed?

Authenticating emails has always been a best practice recommendation for those who send in bulk. Despite this, many senders either knowingly, or unknowingly, bypass crucial steps. As a result, it’s become increasingly harder for Google and Yahoo to protect their users’ inbox from spam or phishing email attacks. That’s why they have decided that proper email authentication and deliverability practices are no longer a “nice-to-have”, but are now compulsory.

According to Gmail and Yahoo, bulk senders who want to ensure their emails continue to hit recipients’ inboxes have to comply with the following: 

  • Authenticate emails using DKIM, SPF, and DMARC
  • Ensure sending domains or IPs have valid forward and reverse DNS records
  • Allow recipients to easily unsubscribe with one click
  • Honor unsubscribes within two days
  • Reduce spam and maintain a spam complaint rate under 0.3%

Note: Yahoo hasn’t yet specified a spam complaint threshold

When are the changes happening and who do they affect?

Gmail plans to implement its changes as of February 1, 2024, with Yahoo following during “the first quarter in 2024”. It’s expected that both will implement a gradual roll out, allowing for adjustments based on industry feedback.

The new requirements primarily target high-volume bulk senders, which Google defines as those who send over 5,000 emails a day. Despite this, smaller volume senders still have to comply with most rules, and it’s in their best interest to comply with all. 

How can I prepare for the changes?

The good news is, whilst the new rules may sound daunting, they aren’t necessarily hard to implement and abide by. Better yet, if you are an Audience Republic user, we’re implementing a number of platform improvements in early January 2024 that will guide you through it. These improvements are detailed below.

Ensure proper set-up and authentication with DKIM, SPF and DMARC

First, you’ll want to get an idea of what domains you use for email sending and whether they are already authenticated. Audience Republic users will be able to see whether their domains are authenticated under the ‘Domain’ tab within their ‘Account Settings’. 

This step is particularly important for users that are sending from a free email domain (e.g. because you can’t authenticate a domain you don’t own. To comply with the new rules, these users will instead need to purchase and authenticate their own domain (e.g.

Domain authentication checks within Audience Republic

For any domains that require verification, please follow the simple steps within the Audience Republic platform. This setup will require you (or whoever manages your domain) to add some CNAME and TXT records to your DNS. Once these steps are complete, the DKIM, SPF and DMARC records will be in compliance with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s new requirements.

Stop sending from domains you don’t own

As an additional layer of protection for email senders, from January 2024, Audience Republic will prevent email sends from accounts that are using free domains such as Once you have purchased a domain, follow the steps listed above to ensure a compliant set up. 

Blocked send from Audience Republic due to unauthenticated email domain

Allow one-click unsubscribes

Gmail and Yahoo believe recipients shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to unsubscribe from email lists. At Audience Republic, we agree! That’s why we mandate clearly visible unsubscribe links in all emails. 

From January 2024, we’re also planning an update to marketing email headers (aka ‘list-unsubscribe’ headers) to meet the new Gmail and Yahoo standard, further protecting our senders’ reputation. 

Honor unsubscribes within two-days

Good news! This comes out-of-the-box with Audience Republic. Unsubscribes will be auto unsubscribed from your list. 

Stay below the spam rate threshold

The new policies include a spam rate threshold for bulk senders. Specifically, Google is mandating the spam rate must be kept below 0.3%. We recommend all users register their domain with a dedicated service to monitor their spam rate. Google Postmaster Tools is free (and quick) to set up.

Other helpful tips to prevent your emails being marked as spam:

  • Only send to recipients who have opted-in 
  • Keep your lists clean (e.g. remove inactive subscribers)
  • Utilize Audience Republic’s auto-suppression feature
  • Have a regular sending schedule
  • Avoid the overuse of spam terms in the subject line or email body
  • Avoid overuse of caps lock
  • Use exclamation marks sparingly 
  • Don't use too many images, and compress image sizes 
  • Run spam tests before sending

For further information, please head to the Audience Republic support section, or contact our team directly. We’ll be sending more information on the changes to our platform in due course. 

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Email deliverability: navigating Gmail & Yahoo’s 2024 requirements

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